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Severn barrage opponents dismiss wildlife-friendly claims as 'guff'

"Angling, wildlife and heritage groups dispute claims by developers that new proposal is environmentally friendly"

Category: Energy sources


Rogue geoengineering could 'hijack' world's climate

"Techniques aimed at averting global warming could lead to an unpredictable international crisis, a report has warned"

Category: Energy sources


Temperatures to rise by six degrees in Middle East countries

"World Bank report says there will be lower rainfall, higher temperatures and continuing desertification in the region"

Category: Climate Change


US intelligence community warns of rising climate security threat

"Climate change has the potential to stoke regional instabilities and fuel international tensions, according to a major new report from the US National Intelligence Council."

Category: Climate Change


Data bill: what's the right balance between security and liberty online?

"The communications data bill is causing friction in the coalition. What powers should the government have to track internet use?"

Category: Communications

Displaying results 96 to 100 out of 2977